Monday, January 6, 2014


It only took 120 pages, but we finally get one of the characters talking about his feelings. He is quickly cut off, however. THANK GOD

Sure, Craig is okay physically, but emotionally he's a wreck. And does anyone care? NO. The novel's realism is really starting to hit home. The psychology is acute, nay, even devastating. Move over, John Updike. GALAXY REVOLT will pwn yr ass

Perhaps Craig's emotional trauma can be traced to his sudden cockney accent.

"'Elp me, guv'nor! Fancy Saint Swithin's Day, 'sblood, milord. Aye, it's a wozzen of a noops, eh?"

It's all sorta like TRAINSPOTTING. But with lasers. And less cunt talk.

Next Week: Craig joins the chimney sweeps. Cheers!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Why do they have to make a record that I deleted my comment? Gaaahhh. It's not really delete, is it, if I can't erase all evidence of my previous stupid comment. Dumb internet.

  3. Damn, now I really want to know what was so great about this comment that it needed to be deleted. Was it about shaving.......... your cooch?
