Monday, August 26, 2013

Reunion Recrap

We preempt today's usual GALAXY REVOLT death horror march to bring you a death horror march of a different sort (magnitude?): a high school reunion! (Let's leave the number out of it for decency's sake.)

Significantly, I was kissed by Lisa Lombardi, Trentie Oliver, and (best of all) Scott Yates. Of course, being a selfish prick I did not return the kisses (sorry, gang). Trentie and I compared sexy bicep bulges (Trentie won; this was the bibulous part of the evening). I conversed with Eddy Peters about the Generic Car we had designed in 1982 and who owned all its subsidiary rights (lawyers are drawing up the papers).

Also talkety-talked with: John Afshar (not sure why), Mickey Mangold (Rotten Bratten lives in our hearts forever), Nancy Morrison (getting defriended on Facebook is fun!), Kim Shaak (The Impossible not a good vacation), Kelly McPherson and Cynthia Kirk (Tom Griffith is a dreamboat, yes?), Mandy McMurtry (Andy RIP), Martha Wells (even the Homecoming Queen had low self-esteem(!)), Marnie Rundiks (comparing ex's whee), Frank Herzog ("Herzogian pass" lives in our groins forever), Cecilia Johnson (us being married never gets old, Ziad), Dave Van Pelt (don't let Lisa see you eat that slider, buster!) and Mike George (all that toilet jamming makes people super fertile, apparently). Also, Andy ("I can remember William McKesson's phone number!") and Amy ("Die, small talk.") were involved in some capacity but I had too much Riffel (Outstanding Senior Kiss Ass) to remember it all clearly. RIFFEL

But enough of my jibberjabber. Time to play match the person with the writing they scribbled in my yearbook. Fun for no ages!

Quote 1: "Greg, Don't drop dead. (I know you won't but look on pg 30)."

Quote 2: "Greg, you awesome rock & roller you. Don't fry too many brain cells this summer. It was nice knowing ya." (Hint: Clearly this person didn't know me that well.)

Quote 3: "So, looks like I missed out on the Latin fun and such this year. Oh well. Please don't make anything sarcastic about this signature. Yeah, I'm paranoid." (Too late, jerk.)

Quote 4: "Greg, Mega-basketball summer uh-ah Maybe I'll see you at C.S.U. Probably not."

Quote 5: "Dear Greg, You have exclusive rights to the Generic car. Could Be worse, could Be raining. P.S. Mrs Perez is a bear!"

Quote 6: "Greg, You are a great person. Even if a person wanted to forget you they could not. Your humor and warmth and serenity make the course to the heart making it impossible. Keep in touch, your personality can overwhelm a person and I don't mean it as in Love."

Quote 7: "Hiya Baby! Now that it's the end of the year, I feel that it is okay to tell you my true feelings. I love you more than Mr. Deal. Boy, it feels good to get that out of my system. They really screwed up this yearbook; my picture should be dominating this page--[NAME]--BSA PRESIDENT. Oh, well. I work my butt off for this school and what do I get? NOTHING! Getting back to the serious side of things, it has been a great pleasure making your acquaintance this last semester of this here senior year. But, as long as we're being serious--who cares?! Sharing English classes with you has been a great joy. It's so sad to say goodbye to all of my friends here at South. I have one final question-- May I pick you nose? Your friend & mine, Uncle C. Fester"

Quote 8: "Greg-- So a penny saved is a penny earned-- I've never hear that before, and I'm going to have to write it down before I forget it. That's good, but who is BF? We should all get together and have some football games this summer. I still don't know how you can make baskets without looking. Well, in the words of my assassin victim-- Sweeeeeet!! (Guess who that is.)"

Quote 9: "May 31, 1983. This day will live in infamy! To my sweety gregy-poo-- Don't ask why I signed on [Dr Ton's] face. I guess I just can't tear myself away from that sexy pug of a nose. Well, it's been fun. Kissy kissy and all that good stuff!"

Quote 10: "Did you know Trentie & I traded identities when we were sophomores? Anyway, I hope I can be there when the sodomists disembowel your first-born child. I'm so tired of this school! I know you're thrilled to have known a Belcher scholar. I'm almost as excited, and I can tell the yearbook was equally impressed. In case you see this and don't remember what I look like, I'm on pages 202, 94, 95 and 122."

a) Jeff Arnold
b) Sara Canady
c) Andrew Homburger
d) Pam Chittivej
e) Eddy Peters
f) Tom Griffith
g) Priscilla Perkins
h) Laurie Strasburger
i) Scott Yates
j) Chris Young

Next Week: The answer key and more answers to burning questions.....

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