That's right, Santa Clause hates a certain color, and after a long day shopping at Target and then eating at Red Robin and then puking into a toilet at the Red Roof Inn, he starts killing black people. Wait... whites too. Whew. He's an equal opportunity homicidal maniac, thanks be to baby Jesus.
"Grrrrr, me deck the halls with boughs of bodies!"
He takes a claw hammer to the Salvation Army guy who won't stop his incessant ringing...
"Season's greee.... *gurgle*"
"Hark the herald angggggh... *gaaaaah!*"
"Pah rumpa paaahhh arrgggh...!"
"Joooy to the worrrrrllll.... aaacccck!"
"My recycling...! Nooooo!"
"Why aren't you on the run?!?! THE FIVE WOUNDS!! GAAAAH!!"
But you know who Santa hates most of all? Why, himself. Christmas is for irony, kids. Never forget that.
"Ha, ha, ha! I'm going to shoot myself! Ha, ha, ha!"
In the end, the viewer dresses up as a cop and shoots himself. Because, you know, gotta shoot something.
"Uhhh, duh, why am I still here...? Is it Easter yet?"
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