Friday, May 24, 2013

A Dog On A Crutch - Comedy = No Comedy

In this JOHNSON FOLLIES, the fifth one I did on April 11, 1979 (I must have had a lot of unsupervised time on my hands that day), we finally unravel the mystery of the talking dog. WHEW

In this era of concussions in the NFL, today's strip is wonderfully pertinent. Mark, however, takes it a step further. "What if are heads all get knocked off, etc etc.?" It's the etc etc that's troubling. What beyond getting decapitated can he be concerned about? Impalement? Defilement? Flopping? But, hey, decapitation is fine. As long as it isn't dirty.

Slavoj Zizek contends that the only way socialism will happen is through an authoritarian figure, one who is willing to kill millions to attain utopia. Stalin, Thatcher... and may I humbly submit, NUMBER 49. I mean, the guy tells us what to think. He's in our face. He talks about "tape recorded set ups." And he's bald and angry, sort of like the seven-foot giant for Midnight Oil.

Decapitations, non-talking dogs, burning beds....  It's enough to make you want to light up a massive doob and smoke it while hanging upside down.

Maybe this could be Colorado's new flag?

1 comment:

  1. I think you have a mistake in this post. Peter Garrett is really only 5'5". A little known fact is their videos only filmed him from below to make him look taller.

    "It's better to die on your feet than live on your knees. But less so when you're a little person, because no one will know the difference."
