Here it is at full size so we may all revel in its dreary fecal idiocy.

"GAD!! What a mess!" Forget that "Call me Ishmael" crap.
Some questions: Why is Gregg in a crowded airport? Why is the airport crowded with ghouls and Ensor-esque grotesques? From whence is he arriving? Disneyland? Why is a thirteen year old boy flying by himself? What's in the suitcases? (Nothing, judging by how tenuously they are connected to his blobby fingers.) Is that my mom running in a screaming panic in the background of Panel 5? (Maybe running to call social services?) Why is Marc about to attack Gregg with a windmill punch in Panel 7? Or is it a haymaker?
Some observations: Gregg narrowly escapes being abducted by a shirtless body builder/child rapist in Panel 3. "I'm finnally outa that MADHOUSE!" This is my mom speaking, so to speak. She often referred to things being a "madhouse." (She now heavily favors calling everything a "nightmare." E.g. "Oh, this ice cream cone is a NIGHTMARE.") I morph into Vishnu in Panel 6, my six eyes suddenly sprouting with enlightenment and unfolding across my face like a poker hand held by Bat Masterson. (Huh?) And then the rich reward at the end, the punch line: "What did I ever do to deserve this?" I'll let the reader ponder such a question.
(Feeling the pressure from fans, I later colorized the cartoon with crayolas. The suitcase on the left is red, while the other is green. Christmas symbology? Marc's shirt is striped with suitcase-red, while Cris's sweater is diarrhea brown and also striped red. Gregg wears a periwinkle ensemble with a bit of yet-more-goddamn red flair on his chest. Where is that German bitch to decide if he's in or out?)
The best part of all is the petite, almost shy number 1 in the far right corner. That's right, there's LOTS more crap to come. GAD!!
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